Have a game design? Not sure what to do with it?
Based on your ideas, we will professionally create a finished game that's ready for:
Retail Sales
Wholesale Distribution & Sales
Major Game Company Review
Investor Review
Personal Use
We will professionally design your game no matter what your needs!
We offer the experience and knowledge to get your game designed and produced right the first time.
We work closely with each client via phone, email and ground mail to ensure that we get a professional design that’s needed. So no matter where you are, we can design for you! We are out for your best interest whether you need a board game, card game or other.
We can also produce your games in metal tins!
- EARTH FRIENDLY Game Manufacturing! Safer Games
Better for You, Your Family & The Environment!
You don’t need to sacrifice quality or pay high prices to take care of the world around you! Our manufacturing process consists of Soy Based Inks, Recyclable Materials, and our Boards & Boxes are made of recycled compost material.
All paints used in our games meet the national guidelines and standards set by the U.S. Government. Additionally, inks are Soy based. The boards and boxes are made from Recycled Compost material. Our factories are not related in any way to other toy makers that have used excessive amounts of lead in the past. We’ve produced Earth Friendly Games since day one of our business! - YOU RETAIN 100% OF ALL RIGHTS to Your Game!
No Gimmicks! It’s YOUR Game Concept and It Will Stay That Way! In addition to your ownership of the game concept, once the project transaction is complete, you retain 100% ownership of the art used in the entire game. We don’t collect any royalties, commissions or any other money for any part of your game sales.
- WE SPECIALIZE in Game Design!
We have been creating games for years and have the know how to get it done, AND get it done right! We offer the over 25 years of experience in design (since 1986).
Why pay junior or inexperienced designers to design your game when you will most likely have to pay to have it re-designed the right way? Most designers don’t know all that is needed for the proper setup and layout in this specialized field of design. This is a serious investment and you want it done right the first time with minimal cost, and that is what we do!
We send free updates (via email) of the project as we progress. This ensures that you will get a design that you are 100% satisfied and will receive a design that you want. This saves you money in more ways than one!
You pay for a design and we take additional steps to ensure that everything is to your liking. Once your design that we make is complete, we will make a FREE prototype to ensure that your final game is what you envision. Each prototype is hand made to look like the final version that will be in manufacturing.
With your prototype, you will be able to have a professionally finished product that is ready for presentation to game companies, investors or for personal use. It’s FREE for using our services! - Get a FREE LISTING of Game Companies & Merchants!
Need some help getting your game introduced to game companies? With your game design, we can provide you with a custom tailored, FREE List of Game Companies. There are no guarantees by any game company, but we will provide you with a list of contacts to help you on your way and start you in the right direction.
Don’t let those companies on television take your money for the “hope” that your game will be accepted by a game company, use our list to contact the game companies directly! It’s FREE for using our services! - Get FREE ADVERTISEMENT on Our Websites!
For many projects, we will include a copy of your game design on our websites so that others can view and order them. Once an order comes in to us about your game, we will forward the information on to you. It’s great exposure for your game and it’s FREE for using our services!
- Get a FREE UPC/BARCODE and Be Merchant Ready!
Plan ahead. If you want to sell your game in stores, you’re going to need it, so why not be prepared for merchants. It’s FREE for using our services!
Contact us for a FREE design price quote! Complete Our ESTIMATE FORM Here: MANUFACTURING
View some of our game designs here: DESIGN
Ready to get started with your project? Start by completing our ESTIMATE FORM
Go to the Customer/Clients Comments Page Here
We serve not only individuals and local businesses, but communities & large corporations throughout the globe as well.
Community Fund Raisers
Non-Profit Organizations
Universities/ Colleges/ All Levels of Education
We ship globally!
The products that we manufacture are compliant with the United States Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA).
MJS Creations, LLC.
1620 Tamara Court
Pahrump, Nevada
89048-8805 U.S.A.
1•775•751•8989 (Pacific Time)
1•775•751•3535 (Pacific Time)
Mon-Thu: 8:30a - 5p
Fri: 8:30a - 1p