Please read below to review our printing requirements to ensure that your prints will be to the highest quality possible:


Provide files in the following formats (fonts must be in .OTF or .TTF format or we will not be able to adjust the artwork if necessary):
EPS or AI should be in CMYK color mode, 100% in size with crop/cut/fold marks. As an example, files can be saved from Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, or CorelDraw! All EPS files should have fonts converted to outlines/curves. A minimum bleed of 0.25" is suggested for all artwork, 0.5" for box artwork.
TIF should be in CMYK color mode, 300 dpi, 100% in size with crop/cut/fold marks. As an example, files can be saved from Adobe PhotoShop or Corel PhotoPaint. It is not recommended to have TIF files with fonts smaller than 8pt. text for legibility. A minimum bleed of 0.25" is suggested for all artwork, 0.5" for box artwork.
PDF files in Press Quality. We do accept PDF files, however they are not always accurate. Please submit with caution.

• For a 20"x20" game board print the artwork live area should be 19.75"x19.75"; bi-fold (STYLE 2) or quad-fold (STYLE 1).

• For a 30"x20" game board print the artwork live area should be 29.75"x19.75" for 6-fold (STYLE 3).

• For a 10.5"x10.5"x3" box, the artwork live area should be 16.5"x16.5" (STYLE 1 or (STYLE 3).

• For a 20.5"x10.5"x1.25" box, the artwork live area should be 23"x13" (STYLE 2).

SEND US FILES here OR mail your files on disc (include all logos, photos and fonts [.OTF or .TTF] necessary).


When you are ready to cut your print, use the crop marks as your guide. Place a long straight edge from one side of the print to the other, then cut with a sharp utility blade (use caution as to not cut yourself!) by sliding the blade the entire length of the print while pressing the straight edge firmly the entire time you are cutting. Leave the edge of the paper to ensure that all crop marks will be there for alignment. Repeat for all sides. For boxes, you can leave the extra to hold the print more securely.

When you are ready to mount your print, we recommend you Order Spray Adhesive or let us Mount Your Print.

Spray the adhesive onto the back of the print following the directions for the adhesive. Then mount on the board, using 2 people if possible, aligning the all corners. Once the print is on the board, place a blank piece of paper over the board (to protect your print surface), then rub the print firmly with a designers squeegee (see picture), or use a credit card. Place a heavy, flat item on the board to prevent warping from the glue. Allow the print to dry 1 day before folding a game board. For boxes, you may fold and wrap the print immediately.

SEND US FILES here OR mail your files on disc (include all logos, photos and fonts [.OTF or .TTF] necessary).

Additional note: We want it to be perfect for you as well as you do! Though we do our best to do so, please keep in mind that all Prototype printing is mounted by hand. Also, we are printing your file(s) and it is expected that you have checked all submitted files for color accuracy including the proofs that will be sent to you for review/approval. If you have a change, send it to us before approval and we will update the file and send another proof at no cost. A home printer can look very different than a CMYK printed file. Assuming that your files are setup to the file specifications shown and the Prototype printed file colors will be close to the file settings, the colors may vary. We are not responsible for prototype color settings and/or inaccurate colors from either your end or ours. We are printing your file(s) to simulate the Manufacturing process so that you will be ready once you are in the Manufacturing stages without any delays. Manufacturing colors will be accurate to the file settings.